Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

The Terms of Use govern the usage of www.otah.com.sg (the “website”) which you are entering into a legally binding agreement with SAVORY ORIGIN PTE LTD (the “Company”) with Business Registration (UEN) number: 199204809K, and its subsidiaries, directors, associates and officers. 

This website is hosted in Singapore to operate as an e-commerce website, selling products under the brand name “SAVORY ORIGIN” (the “Products”). For the purpose of the Terms of Use, you shall be defined as the “User” of the Website to purchase or not, the Products, while the “Order” shall mean the order submitted by you to purchase the Product(s) from the Website.  

By accessing this Website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bounded by these Terms of Use. We reserved the right, in our own discretion to revise or, update the Terms of Use. 

Privacy Policy

By using this Website, you consent to the processing, described and warrant all datas provided by you is correct and accurate. We have set out our Privacy Policy, which will be described in detail in this Website. 

Account Registration

Each account registration is for a single user only. You will need to input your first name, last name, email address and choose a password (collectively, as your “ID”). As you register to create your account, you represent and warrant that all information that you submitted is accurate, truthful, complete and lawful. You shall be obligated to update the information as and when necessary. 

You are solely responsible for all the activities of your account and to maintain the confidentiality of your ID by keeping it secured and safe. You agree not to use the registered account and/or ID of another member at any time or, to disclose your password to any third party. Please notify the Company immediately if you think there is a breach of security such as theft, unauthorized usage and disclosure of your ID. 

By registering the account, you agree to receive certain communications in connection with the Website, such as order status update, marketing emails or newsletters unless you indicated otherwise during account registration. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy in the Website.

Term of Sale

By placing an Order, you are entering a contract to purchase the Product(s) from the Company and you are subjected to the Terms and Conditions. 

In order to contract with the Company, you must be over 18 years of age and possessed a valid bank account, credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable by the Company. If your Order is accepted, the Company will send you an Order Confirmation email/message. When placing an Order, you undertake all banking details provided to the Company are true and accurate.  The authorized user of the bank account and/or credit/debit card placing the Order has to ensure sufficient funds to cover the purchase of the Product(s). 

  1. Contract
    A contract between the User and the Company will not be formed until payment has been approved and payment debited from the credit or debit card of the bank.
  2. Pricing and Availability
    The Company will try to ensure all details, descriptions and prices on the Website are clear and accurate. In the event of any error discovered, the Company will inform the User to offer an option of reconfirming the Order or, cancelling it with a full refund. If the Company is unable to reach the User to cancel the Order due to wrong user contact information, the Company shall treat the Order being cancelled. However, delivery cost may be charged if the outsourced delivery service had been organised with no pick up of the Order due to the User’s late decision to cancel the Order.  
  3. Order Confirmation and Official Invoice
    Upon confirmation of the Order, an email/message will be sent to the User. This will include the Product description and purchase price information. An official invoice will be included in the parcel during the delivery of the Product(s).  

Intellectual Property and Prohibition

All copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property materials, including domain name, page headers, images, text, illustrations, logo, design, icons, photographs, music clips, video clips, downloads and other materials from our Website (collectively the “IP”) are owned, controlled and licensed by the Company and protected by Singapore and international trademark and copyright laws in Singapore and any other countries. 

No license, right, title or interest of any materials or software is transferred to you as a result of your usage of our Website or, your accessing, viewing, downloading or, printing of the IP. You must not reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, create derivative works from, or sell in whole or in part, any of the IP, our Website and, any related software. The IP and software in our Website is to be used as a shopping resource only. Any other use of our IP from our Website is strictly prohibited.   

The User shall not use this Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, or to solicit for performance of any illegal activity which will infringe the rights of the Company.

Limitation of Liability

In no event, shall the Company and its subsidiaries or affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, distributors, suppliers or third parties providing information in this Website be liable to the User of the Website or, any other person or entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, consequential damages arising from the use of this Website. 

All Products purchased through the Website are subjected only to any applicable warranties of the respective manufacturers, distributors or suppliers. To the fullest extend permissible by applicable law, the Company expressly disclaim all liabilities for product defect or failure, not following the printed instructions on the Product, product misuse or, modification and/or abuse. The Buyer is encouraged to read all labels and descriptions carefully as the Company shall not be liable for any allergic reactions or, intolerance of the Product(s). 


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless to the Company, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees and agents from any third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including but not limited to legal fees) arising from your use of this Website and breach of the Terms of Use. 

Links to Third-Party Websites

This Website may contain links to other websites on the internet platform. You understood and acknowledge that the Company has no control over such websites and we cannot be responsible for the accuracy, content and legality of any linked websites. 


Any legal notices shall be served to SAVORY ORIGIN PTE LTD (the “Company”) via registered mail to 1550 Bedok North Ave 4, #02-31, JTC Bedok Food City, Singapore 489950.

Governing Law

You agree that the laws of the Republic of Singapore, without regards to the principles of the conflict of laws, will govern this Terms of Use and any dispute of any sort that may arise between you and the Company. 

Variation and Amendment

The Company shall have the right in its absolute discretion at any time and without notice to amend, remove or, vary the services and/or any content of the Website. All amendments shall be posted online. Continued use of the Website by the User will deemed to constitute acceptance of the amendment. You are responsible for reviewing the latest Terms of Use each time when you submit an Order.